Results / Testimonials

Roocket Fitness is proud to work together with one of the best nutritional sports doctors. Casa Malvez in combination with Roocket are able to bring you the best nutritional guidance and training to accomplish your fitness goals. 


The first picture is 3 -4 months into Roocket Fitness . The second picture, just last week. I came in as person who only wanted to lose weight, and be skinny. Little did I know, five years into my journey, I would see a great difference 🫠TRust the process! Through all the blood, sweat and tears, I have conquered my fears and grown physically and mentally. I have many role models, some from which I continue to learn, as they push me to never stop growing. I look back, at the old me five years ago, and I will never be her again.Thennew me would definitely show her a thing or two, and tell her to believe. I wear my growth, and progress with honor. This new year has a lot in store for all of us, but for me, the goal is to continue to grow, and succeed. Bolis is here to stay, and I will pursue my happiness to stay active and healthy. Let’s keep going!

Phase 1, and 2 Weight loss 

Phase 3 and 4 Body Fat %

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